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@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ It is a http wrapper written in php, working with ergol gemini server or standal
## Copyright
author : [Adële](
* [Adële](
* [Romain de Laage](
ergol-http is under MIT/X Consortium License

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
// can be 'ergol' or 'gemserv'
define('CONFIG_TYPE', 'ergol');
// change this if this file is not in a subdir of ergol root directory
// See ergol.json description on
define('ERGOL_JSON', __DIR__."/../ergol.json");
define('CONFIG_PATH', __DIR__."/../ergol.json");

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@ -42,17 +42,77 @@ if(isset($_GET['q']))
// Loading config...
$conf_filename = @realpath(ERGOL_JSON);
$conf_filename = @realpath(CONFIG_PATH);
$conf_json = file_get_contents($conf_filename);
$conf_content = file_get_contents($conf_filename);
die("Unable to open file ".$conf_filename."\n");
$conf_json = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '',$conf_json);
if(CONFIG_TYPE === "ergol") {
$conf_content = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '',$conf_content);
$conf = json_decode($conf_json);
die("Unable to parse ".$conf_filename." : ".json_last_error_msg()."\n");
$conf = json_decode($conf_content);
die("Unable to parse ".$conf_filename." : ".json_last_error_msg()."\n");
else if(CONFIG_TYPE === "gemserv") {
//config to array of line
$gsConfigArray = explode("\n", $conf_content);
//replace all [[server]] by [server_X] (toml -> ini)
$nb = 0;
foreach($gsConfigArray as &$line) {
if($line === "[[server]]") {
$line = "[server_".$nb."]";
//reassemble file and parse as array
$gsConfig = implode("\n", $gsConfigArray);
$ini = parse_ini_string($gsConfig, true);
//create temp array to contain config and put general config values in it
$configTemp = array();
if(array_key_exists('port', $ini)) {
$configTemp["port"] = (int) $ini["port"];
else {
die('Unable to process '.CONFIG_PATH.': Missing value "port"');
//process for each capsule, from server_0 to server_$nb-1, put it in an array
$capsules = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $nb; ++$i) {
$key = "server_".$i;
//check that all required fields are present
if(array_key_exists('dir', $ini[$key]) && array_key_exists('hostname', $ini[$key]) && array_key_exists('hostname', $ini[$key])) {
//check absolute path
if($ini[$key]["dir"][0] == "/") {
$folder = $ini[$key]["dir"];
else {
$folder = "{here}/".$ini[$key]["dir"];
$capsules[$ini[$key]["hostname"]] = (object) array(
"folder" => $folder,
"lang" => $ini[$key]["lang"],
"lang_regex" => "/\.([a-z][a-z])\./",
"auto_index_ext" => array(".gmi"),
"redirect" => false
//convert capsules array to stdObj -> as in json_decode, and put it in config
$configTemp["capsules"] = (object) $capsules;
//convert array to stdObj -> as in json_decode
$conf = (object) $configTemp;
else {
die("Unknown config type: ".CONFIG_TYPE."\n");
foreach($conf->capsules as $hostname => $capsule)