other misc tweaks for the site

This commit is contained in:
Omar Polo 2024-01-11 12:44:09 +00:00
parent 89b564c312
commit a08e0451ed
2 changed files with 16 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ REPOLOGY_BANNER = https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/gmid.svg
REPOLOGY_URL = https://repology.org/project/gmid/versions
SUBST = ./subst GITHUB=https://github.com/omar-polo/gmid \
VERS=1.8.6 \
CURV=1.8 \
NEXTV=1.9 \
SITE=https://ftp.omarpolo.com \
VERS=2.0 \
PUBKEY=gmid-2.0.pub \

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Some distros provide a package — thanks to the maintainers!
Otherwise, compile it from source: its easy and takes less than a minute on a raspberry pi 3
=> GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/gmid-VERS.tar.gz gmid-VERS.tar.gz
=> SITE/gmid-VERS.tar.gz gmid-VERS.tar.gz
=> https://git.omarpolo.com/?action=summary&path=gmid.git git repository
=> https://codeberg.org/op/gmid/ Codeberg mirror
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The dependencies are:
Once all the dependencies are installed, building is as easy as:
```Example of how to compile from source
$ curl -LO GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/gmid-VERS.tar.gz
$ curl -LO SITE/gmid-VERS.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf gmid-VERS.tar.gz
$ cd gmid-VERS
$ ./configure
@ -43,17 +43,21 @@ $ make
$ sudo make install # eventually
A SHA256 file is available. However, it only checks for accidental corruption. You can use signify (SHA256.sig and the public key gmid-CURV.pub) to cryptographically verify the downloaded tarball. The signify public key for the next release gmid-NEXTV.pub is also included.
A SHA256 file is available. However, it only checks for accidental corruption. You can use signify (gmid-VERS.sha256.sig) and the public key PUBKEY to cryptographically verify the downloaded tarball. The signify public key for the previous and the next release is included in the tarball.
=> GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/SHA256 SHA256
=> GITHUB/releases/download/VERS/SHA256.sig SHA256.sig
=> SITE/gmid-VERS.sha256 gmid-VERS.sha256
=> SITE/gmid-VERS.sha25.sig gmid-VERS.sha256.sig
To verify the signatures with signify(1)
To verify the signatures with signify(1):
```Example of how to verify the signature with signify
% signify -C -p gmid-1.8.pub -x SHA256.sig
% signify -C -p PUBKEY -x gmid-VERS.sha256.sig
Signature Verified
gmid-VERS.tar.gz: OK
gmid-CURV.pub: OK
gmid-NEXTV.pub: OK
Git tags are signed with the following ssh key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJ0nD5I8BNVJknT87gnpLIJWK0fXTayDktQOlS38CGj4 op@omarpolo.com