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Authentication & Authorization 3

Ταυτοποίηση & εξουσιοδότηση

Ο Castopod χειρίζεται τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας και την έγκριση χρησιμοποιώντας codeigniter/shield σε συνδυασμό με προσαρμοσμένους κανόνες. Οι ρόλοι και τα δικαιώματα καθορίζονται σε δύο επίπεδα:

  1. ευρεία παρουσία
  2. ανά podcast

1. Διαχείριση ρόλων και δικαιωμάτων

Ρόλοι εμφάνισης

ρόλος περιγραφή δικαιώματα
Υπερδιαχειριστής Έχει πλήρη έλεγχο του Castopod. admin.*, podcasts.*, users.manage, persons.manage, pages.manage, fediverse.manage-blocks
Διαχειριστής Διαχείριση περιεχομένου του Castopod. podcasts.create, podcasts.import, persons.manage, pages.manage
Podcaster Γενικοί χρήστες του Castopod. admin.access

Instance permissions

permission description
admin.access Can access the Castopod admin area.
admin.settings Can access the Castopod settings.
users.manage Can manage Castopod users.
persons.manage Can manage persons.
pages.manage Can manage pages.
podcasts.view Can view all podcasts.
podcasts.create Can create new podcasts.
podcasts.import Can import podcasts.
fediverse.manage-blocks Can block fediverse actors/domains from interacting with Castopod.

2. Per podcast roles and permissions

Per podcast roles

role description permissions
Admin Has complete control of podcast #{id}. *
Editor Manages content and publications of podcast #{id}. view, edit, manage-import, manage-persons, manage-platforms, manage-publications, interact-as, episodes.view, episodes.create, episodes.edit, episodes.delete, episodes.manage-persons, episodes.manage-clips, episodes.manage-publications, episodes.manage-comments, episodes.manage-notifications
Author Manages content of podcast #{id} but cannot publish them. view, manage-persons, episodes.view, episodes.create, episodes.edit, episodes.manage-persons, episodes.manage-clips
Guest General contributor of the podcast #{id}. view, episodes.view

Per podcast permissions

permission description
view Can view dashboard and analytics of podcast #{id}.
edit Can edit podcast #{id}.
delete Can delete podcast #{id}.
manage-import Can synchronize imported podcast #{id}.
manage-persons Can manage subscriptions of podcast #{id}.
manage-subscriptions Can manage subscriptions of podcast #{id}.
manage-contributors Can manage contributors of podcast #{id}.
manage-platforms Can set/remove platform links of podcast #{id}.
manage-publications Can publish podcast #{id}.
manage-notifications Can view and mark notifications as read for podcast #{id}.
interact-as Can interact as the podcast #{id} to favourite, share or reply to posts.
episodes.view Can view dashboard and analytics of podcast #{id}.
episodes.create Can create episodes for podcast #{id}.
episodes.edit Can edit podcast #{id}.
episodes.delete Can delete podcast #{id}.
episodes.manage-persons Can manage subscriptions of podcast #{id}.
episodes.manage-clips Can manage video clips or soundbites of podcast #{id}.
episodes.manage-publications Can publish podcast #{id}.
episodes.manage-comments Can create/remove episode comments of podcast #{id}.